Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chronological Bible

I just finished reading the Chronological Bible and I am starting over again this year! If you have never read through the Bible chronologically, you really should! I have read through the Bible before, however, never has it been so easy to read. I love reading a book at a time, through Psalms, Proverbs and even the Old Testament but honestly there are just some books that don't often draw us to read them over and over. Take Habakkuk for example. There are only 3 chapters and yet what a book it is! And how often do most of us read that book? There are some wonderful truths and words of encouragement packed in. That's one of the reasons why the Chronological Bible is so wonderful. Every day you just read what comes next- no skipping around, no letting your Bible fall open to "just the right spot", just simply trusting God to speak to you that specific day right where you are in your reading. It's only January 5th! It's not too late to commit to reading the Bible all the way through this year- if my 12 year old daughter can do it, you can too! Shana

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